Monday, 30 March 2015

Step 1- The Pizza Crust!!!

To begin my quest for the perfect homemade pizza- I started with the crust. I asked one of my foodie friends for her crust recipe and surprisingly enough she uses the refrigerated dough! I would normally probably do the same but I want this pizza to built from scratch- start to finish. :)
I checked Pinterest and for a recipes but many of them called for bread flour which I didn't have so I chose a recipe from the Pioneer Woman using all purpose flour. The Pioneer woman is a blogger and has her own cooking show. The food she makes on her show always looks so dee.lish so I thought I'd give her recipe a try. 

                                   First, I mixed the dry ingredients- flour and salt

Then I slowly added the olive oil to the dry ingredients. It says you should use a mixer but I don't have one so this batter was mixed by hand. 

Warm water and yeast is next. 
And mix a lot...
And viola! I have pizza crust dough! This will be enough for 2 pizzas when I make them- so I'll be doing a veggie for me and a meat lovers for my carnivorous family. 
Cover and refrigerate for 3 days. You can use the crust in 24 hours but the Pioneer Woman says the crust is much better if it's allowed to sit for 3-4 days so that's just what I'll do! 

Well, easy enough to start! I would say the only obstacle for me on this first step was to choose the recipe to use. There are so many out there and all claim to be the best crust recipe EVER and the crust is pretty important I think! Blogs, cooking shows, and youtube videos make cooking so incredibly easy with step by step directions and videos these days. If this pizza doesn't turn out- I really only have myself to blame. ;-)

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